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dc.contributor.advisorBarsalini, Glauco
dc.contributor.authorPfister, Mariana
dc.description.abstractPara explicar o conceito de estado de exceção permanente e, consequentemente, a figura do homo sacer nas sociedades ocidentais contemporâneas, o filósofo Giorgio Agamben mergulha fundo no universo da teologia política. Em O Reino e a Glória (2011) reflete sobre o problema da secularização no mundo contemporâneo, onde se instaura, hegemonicamente, o império da oikonomia sobre a política na contemporaneidade, do que deriva a ordem jurídica das sociedades ocidentais. A oikonomia, ou seja, a governabilidade contemporânea, diz respeito, segundo Agamben, à genealogia do poder soberano instaurado no Ocidente, poder este que, pela decisão, ativa, cada vez mais, dispositivos que produzem a vida nua, submetendo a biós à zoé. Pretende-se estudar, na sua complexidade, as relações entre a oikonomia, a operatividade e o simples uso de fato, de modo a compreender-se, em profundidade, a articulação entre a trilogia O Reino e a Glória, Opus Dei e Altíssima Pobreza. Objetiva-se, com isso, contribuir para o desvelamento acerca dos vínculos existentes entre a oikonomia trinitária e o poder soberano contemporâneo, chave para as reflexões atuais sobre política, o direito e a religião - debate que, ano a ano, vêm ganhando centralidade nas Ciências da Religião.
dc.description.abstractThe objective of our work is to study the movement initiated in 1978 by Michel Foucault in the course Security, territory, population, and in 1980 in the course The government of the livings, realizing a genealogical operation that brings him to the early Christianity writings. The thinker focus on the established practices in the pastoral power model and the cenobitic monasticism. We can say that such analytical movement of the Christian writings from the first centuries of our era are motivated by the following questions: how to effectively put if possible, with maximum efficiency, a government of conducts of men? How western men were taken into a government of themselves but also to be governed by others? The object of Foucault in these courses will be that of analyzing the government forms established by the formulations of the early Christian thinking, looking at practices of conduct of conducts applied to men. Our dissertation lies on this problematic of the forms of this government of men in the Christian pastoral and monastic model. For such we follow this way: in 1978, in the course Security, territory, population, Foucault present us the arts of government developed since the XVI century. In presenting such new technologies of government Foucault introduces in his analysis the concept of governmentality, operacionalizing a reflection in relation to the practices of government and the ways to conduct men. In 1980, on The government of the livings, Foucault maintains his analysis in the scope of governamentality, but now with a novelty in relation to the course from 1978, the government of men by the truth. According to Foucault the western man was taken to tailor a truth about himself. This truth and such dynamic of truth production are elucidated by the ideas of regimes of truth. Such regimes are responsible for the subjectivation of a subject that becomes a confessional subject in the practices that aims the production of a discourse about the truth of oneself.
dc.description.sponsorshipFundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo - FAPESP
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectOikonomia trinitária
dc.subjectGiorgio Agamben.
dc.subjectTrinitarian Oikonomia
dc.subjectGiorgio Agamben.
dc.titleOikonomia trinitária na obra de Giorgio Agamben: entre o reino e a glória, Opus dei e altíssima pobreza
dc.title.alternativeTrinitarian Oikonomia in the work of Giorgio Agamben: between The kingdom and the Glory, Opus Dei and Highest Poverty
dc.contributor.institutionPontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas
puc.refereeBarros, Douglas Ferreira
puc.refereeDickinson, Colby
puc.centerCCHSA – Centro de Ciências Humanas e Sociais Aplicadas
puc.undergraduateProgramPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Ciências da Religião, Douglas Ferreira

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