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dc.contributor.advisorTortella, Jussara Cristina Barboza
dc.contributor.authorKoide, Adriana Batista de Souza
dc.description.abstractLiteratura infantil e educação são instâncias que se completam na formação da criança pequena. Por meio da literatura infantil é possível promover aprendizagens que a criança levará consigo para toda a vida. Nesse contexto, trazemos uma pesquisa descritiva, com abordagem qualitativa, a partir das perspectivas teóricas de Piaget, Bandura e Feuerstein. O objetivo geral do estudo consiste em compreender como utilizar a literatura infantil para promover estratégias da autorregulação com crianças de dois a seis anos, sem que a mesma perca seu espaço de fruição. Os instrumentos de pesquisa foram organizados para atender aos seguintes objetivos específicos: i) planejar, desenvolver e avaliar uma formação continuada para os educadores envolvidos, no decorrer do ano de 2015, tendo como temática a literatura infantil, a autorregulação e a mediação do professor; ii) compreender critérios de escolha dos livros infantis pelos educadores e quais práticas pedagógicas os integrantes da formação continuada consideram como as mais adequadas para promover a autorregulação e a fruição; iii) socializar entre a equipe as práticas e experiências mais relevantes, indicadas pelos participantes; iv) analisar o que relatam as professoras sobre a literatura infantil como fruição e como meio para desenvolver as competências da autorregulação em crianças de dois a seis anos no contexto observado e v) verificar se é possível a harmonia entre a literatura infantil como arte formativa e como meio pedagógico na Educação Infantil. Participaram do estudo 12 professoras que atuavam em classes multisseriadas da Educação Infantil, atendendo 354 crianças de 2 a 6 anos. Os instrumentos utilizados foram registros do diário de campo da formação continuada, da pesquisadora e das professoras participantes, observações de práticas e entrevistas. Para a compreensão do material empírico utilizou-se a análise de conteúdo. Os resultados obtidos demonstram que a criança pequena consegue, por meio da literatura infantil, autorregular pensamentos, sentimentos e ações, desde que inserida em uma aprendizagem mediada por um professor que tenha os conhecimentos necessários para desenvolver atividades abertas para a fruição, para a reflexão e para o pensamento crítico. Nossas análises indicam que o diálogo mediado, depois da intervenção planejada para a harmonia entre deleite e aprendizagem, foi a prática pedagógica mais assertiva para promover a autorregulação, com crianças de todas as turmas investigadas. Nesse sentido, salientamos que a formação docente foi essencial para o desenvolvimento da pesquisa, preponderando o fato de que não seria possível o exercício da profissão docente com plenitude no contexto estudado se não houvesse para isso um conhecimento formativo inicial ou continuado. Concluímos que o incentivo em novas pesquisas e em formações docentes sobre a temática escolhida se fazem urgentemente necessários, para que seja possível avançar em estudos que invistam na capacidade das crianças pequenas e na formação de professores para a infância, campos ainda pouco explorados no meio acadêmico.
dc.description.abstractChildren's literature and education are instances that complete the development of small child. Through children's literature it´s possible to promote learning that child will carry on for life. Considering this background, a descriptive research with a qualitative approach is presented from the theoretical perspectives of Piaget, Bandura and Feuerstein. The overall aim is to understand how to use children's literature in order to promote self-regulation strategies with children from two to six years without losing its enjoyment space. Research instruments were organized to meet the following specific aims: i) to plan, develop and evaluate a continued training for teachers involved, during 2015 with the theme children's literature, self-regulation and learning mediation; ii) to understand the selection criterion of children's books by educators and which pedagogical practices members of the continued formation considered the most appropriate to promote self-regulation and fruition from the children's literature; iii) to socialize with team the most relevant practices and experiences indicated by participants; iv) to analyze what was reported by teachers on children's literature as fruition and as a means for develop self-regulation skills in children from two to six years; v) to verify if it’s there is harmony between children's literature as a formative art and as pedagogical use in unison on early childhood education. Twelve teachers who worked in multigrade classes from kindergarten serving 354 children aged 2 to 6 years were study participants. The instruments used were field diary records of continued formation, researcher and participating teachers, observations of practices and interviews. For the understanding of the empirical material were used the content analysis. The results obteined show that the small child can self-regulate thoughts, feelings and actions by means of children's literature since it is inserted in a learning process mediated by a teacher who develop activities guided to fruition, for reflection and critical thinking. This analyzis indicates that mediated dialogue after the planned intervention for harmony between pleasure and learning was the most assertive activity to promote self-regulation with children of all investigated groups. In this sense, we emphasize that teacher education was ssential for the developement of research, preponderating the fact that it would not be possible to exercise the teaching profession with fullness in the context studied if there was no initial or continuous training knowledge. The conclusion is that the incentive for new researches and teacher training on the chosen subject is urgently needed, so that you can advance studies to invest in the capacity of small children and in the training of teachers for childhood, a barely explored field in academia. In this dissertation we present the results of the research on the initiative of the State Department of Education of São Paulo that, using the results of school performance in SARESP and data of school dropout, categorized or ranked schools in the colors blue, green, yellow, orange or red, in order to understand the trajectory, the operation and the reactions triggered by this governmental initiative in the educational scenario. In order to achieve the proposed objectives, we carried out a bibliographic research and established the state of the art in the academic-scientific literature regarding the categorization or ranking of schools by color, empirical research in order to understand the operation, implementation and extinction of this initiative in the light of perceptions of the school directors and regional directorates of education managers and, finally, documentary research, to study the repercussion of the implementation from the news reports published in the mainstream press, in the trade union press and in data on legal proceedings instituted against the Education of the State of São Paulo. The research pointed out that in the academic-scientific literature, in the mainstream press and in the legal media, there is a tendency to value the awards received by schools that obtained high performance in SARESP, with predominantly negative-biased speeches on schools ranking by color, focusing on the resistance of the teachers' union and teachers' dissatisfaction with the neoliberal logic that would be present in the government policies of the PSDB, with a reduced emphasis on positive aspects related to the actions of the State Department of Education. School principals and regional directories of education managers pointed out several positive points related to the categorization or ranking of schools by color, such as the motivation of the school teams that wanted to improve their results, the reflection of the pedagogical practice regarding the results obtained, the secretariat's investments in training courses, funds for underperforming schools, the simplicity of the quality indicator, and the fact that the results of ranking schools took teachers out of a comfort zone. However, the negative points, such as the stigmatization of poor-performing school-based school teams, motivated parents to transfer their children to better-performing schools, as well as the lack of clarity regarding the criteria used in schools ranking, accentuated the dissatisfaction and discomfort of many teachers with the actions that subsidized the categorization or ranking of color schools and raised the level of tension between teachers and the state secretariat of education, pressing the state government to extinguish the initiative in 2002, soon after its implementation. This dissertation "Education, public sphere and communicative action of struggle for recognition: study on racist offenses against Spider keeper" has as its central theme the relationship between education, the public sphere and communicative action, so that they can investigate racist attitudes involved in the case of the goalkeeper Mário Lúcio Costa Duarte (Spider goalkeeper), based on the theory of Axel Honneth: Struggle for Recognition: the moral grammar of social conflicts (2012). The assumption pervades the possibility, within the inter-subjective relationship of individuals in the field of education in the public space, the contribution or not to reduce racist practices. For this, as secondary objectives, it is necessary to expose the works of Jürgen Habermas (2012, 2014) as a theoretical apparatus for coherent analysis of the public sphere and communicative action, which allow the argument for education against the forms of disrespect . It promotes, throughout the dissertation, the dialogue between theory and context of social reality, as a metonymy of the existing communication in society through the internet (digital media), analyzing the agents involved, its consequences in social life and this crop has as effect to contemporary society through educating its agents and transform them. The case analyzed in this dissertation presents as agents involved Spider goalkeeper, supporter Patricia Moreira, press, digital media and society, which allows the realization of possible interpretations of the struggle of the black movement and how society is or not turning, based on the construction of concepts that allow us to reflect about racism in Brazilian society. Evaluations have the potential to trigger actions that contribute to improving teaching and learning processes and to rethinking the curriculum. Regarding high school, the external evaluations applied to the students stand out the tests of the System of Evaluation of the School Performance of the State of São Paulo (Saresp) and the National Examination of the Secondary School (Enem). The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of Saresp and Enem in the high school curriculum, in the perception of managers and teachers of the public state network in the city of Campinas (SP), having as a locus two high schools, identified by E1 And E2. The methodological option was the qualitative approach without neglecting quantifiable data, the documentary analysis of the management documents of the schools surveyed, semi-structured interviews with a manager of each school and focus groups with 10 teachers, which six were from school E1 and four from school E2. The analysis considered the diversity of techniques and instruments of production of empirical material in an effort of triangulation and dialogue with the refereed authors. It was evidenced that Saresp and Enem, which integrate public evaluation policies, although they have the potential to trigger reflections and actions to improve the quality of high school education, have been constituted as tests focused on the product of learning, consonants with the model of technical rationality, and that sometimes disregard the discussion and problematization of their results along with the conditions that imply learning, favoring mechanisms of selection and exclusion of students, as well as their cultural deprivation. In addition, it is verified that Saresp has been evidenced within the state schools by virtue of the bonus policy tied to the results of this evaluation. Regarding the Enem, voluntary enrollment of students has intensified after 2009, when the results of the exam are now used for academic continuity in a higher level of education, in federal public universities or private universities by granting scholarships. The managers and teachers of the schools surveyed emphasized that the Integral Education Program (PEI) is a program aimed at improving educational outcomes in external evaluations, which implies an intensification of teacher accountability due to the merit bonus policy linked to the results of the Saresp. The participants also pointed out the effect of Saresp in the polarization of the curriculum in function of better results; The modification of the school dynamics according to the external evaluation; The conformation of the evaluations of the learning to the achievement of goals and, consequent conformation of the teaching work; And, the intensification of training for the tests. As for the effects that the Enem has produced in the high school curriculum, managers and teachers of both schools, emphasized the curricular polarization in function of the students' Life Project; The guide of learning assessments; The induction of teaching work in function of the students' Life Project; And the concern with the development of skills evaluated by the Exam. Based on the research carried out, it is considered necessary that public evaluation policies, which focus on the curriculum of high school, be redefined so as not to polarize the curriculum and contribute to the effective improvement of teaching and learning processes.
dc.description.sponsorshipPontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas – PUC Campinas
dc.description.sponsorshipCoordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior – CAPES
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectLiteratura infantil
dc.subjectFormação de Professores
dc.subjectEducação Infantil.
dc.subjectChildren's Literature
dc.subjectTeacher training
dc.subjectChild education.
dc.titleFruição e autorregulação: a literatura infantil como meio para o desenvolvimento das crianças
dc.contributor.institutionPontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas
puc.refereeRocha, Maria Silvia Pinto de Moura Librandi da
puc.refereeFuentes, Sonia
puc.centerCCHSA – Centro de Ciências Humanas e Sociais Aplicadas
puc.undergraduateProgramPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Educação

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