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dc.contributor.advisorBarros, Douglas Ferreira
dc.contributor.authorOliveira, Marcelo Corrêa de
dc.description.abstractNo âmbito do pensamento político contemporâneo recente, no contexto do qual podemos destacar as contribuições de Giorgio Agamben, procurou-se, de algum modo, obter um arranjo teórico que permitisse a análise e a compreensão do poder político a partir da oikonomia divina. Ou seja, os conceitos teológicos continuam presentes no mundo globalizado no qual vivemos, só que estes estão travestidos em ideias econômicas e políticas. Assim, o presente trabalho tem por finalidade analisar as relações existentes entre economia e teologia no pensamento de Giorgio Agamben. Consideraremos então, a compreensão da teologia econômica. A partir do livro ‘O reino e a glória’ faremos um levantamento do modo como o autor estabelece a distinção entre teologia política e teologia econômica e estudar a relação entre Economia e Teologia a partir do conceito de oikonomia proposto por Agamben na obra “O Reino e a Glória”. Com isso, esperamos compreender melhor a relação existente entre as intersecções acerca dos conceitos econômicos, políticos e religiosos e como estes se correlacionam, a partir da compreensão da oikonomia divina e seu desenvolvimento, chegando ao poder político atual e a sua prática governamental.
dc.description.abstractThis dissertation has as its main objective to analyze the concept of repetition in Kierkegaard's works, as well as to argue that the experience of repetition appears as a prospecting of meaning in its religious perspective. To achieve the proposed objective, the dissertation is divided into three moments: 1) in the first chapter we will make an introduction to Kierkegaard, going through themes that influenced his thinking and his controversy with the Church, then we will approach his activity as an author and his heteronomists. That done, we will make an analysis of the structure of the work Repetition; in the next topic the relationship between repetition and recall will be analyzed; 2) in the second chapter, the experience of Constantin Constantius in his attempt to perform the repetition will be analyzed, then we will analyze the loss of meaning of the Youth, and to understand his condition, we will visit the concepts of despair and anguish; 3) in the third and last chapter, the second part of the work Repetition will be analyzed, as well as the relationship between the concepts of faith and repetition, instant and repetition and love and repetition The objective of the first chapter is to situate the publication of the work Repetition in the context of Kierkegaard's life and his relationship with religion. In the second chapter, the objective is to analyze Constantin Constantius' experience. Bearing in mind that the young poet loses the sense of his existence - in the first version of the work he commits suicide for realizing that he could not recover his love back - our task will focus on explaining how the human being comes to lose meaning. This means understanding how the human being is constituted so that despair is possible. Understanding how human beings become desperate, we can understand how repetition, in its religious sense, can save human beings from despair. In the third chapter the objective is to explain the concept of religious repetition and how repetition responds to the problem of human despair.
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectGiorgio Agamben
dc.subjectGiorgio Agamben
dc.titleA teologia econômica na obra o reino e glória de Giorgio Agamben
dc.contributor.institutionPontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas
puc.refereeSouza, Daniel Santos
puc.refereeBarsalini, Glauco
puc.centerCCHSA – Centro de Ciências Humanas e Sociais Aplicadas
puc.undergraduateProgramPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Ciências da Religião

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