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dc.contributor.advisorKichner, Renato
dc.contributor.authorJulião, Claudileia Cavalheiro
dc.description.abstractA obra de Martin Heidegger Phänomenologie des religiösen Lebens, publicado no volume 60 das obras completas (Gesamtausgabe) heideggerianas, em 1995, traduzida no Brasil pelo orientador desta dissertação e publicado pela Editora Vozes sob o título Fenomenologia da vida religiosa, em 2010, reúne um conjunto de preleções proferidas pelo filósofo alemão na Universidade de Friburgo e que remontam ao semestre de inverno de 1920/21. A primeira parte consiste numa “introdução metodológica” e a segunda numa “explicação fenomenológica de fenômenos religiosos concretos tomando por base as epístolas paulinas”. Heidegger interpreta as epístolas paulinas, a fim de compreender a vida fática do apóstolo Paulo tal como ela se apresenta nas epístolas enviadas às comunidades cristãs. A presente pesquisa procura acessar a experiência religiosa paulina, empregando o método da fenomenologia da religião, tendo, portanto, por objetivo investigar “a experiência fática da vida e a fenomenologia da religião segundo Martin Heidegger”, por meio da interpretação fenomenológica das epístolas paulinas, particularmente a Epístola aos Gálatas e as duas Epístolas aos Tessalonicenses, compreendendo a formulação da experiência fática da vida, que, no caso, coincide com experiência de vida de fé no Cristo.
dc.description.abstractThe Protestant Reformation of the 16th century originally created the Lutheran, Calvinist, and Anglican churches, which later unfolded in other denominations throughout history due to differences in theological interpretations, disagreements among leaders, or even to adapt its public to new - sometimes progressive, sometimes conservative - cultural forms. The 20th century saw the birth of the Pentecostal movement, and in the 1960s and 1970s, Neopentecostal churches emerge in Brazil as the result of such unfolding. Of these, the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God (Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus - IURD) is the most prominent; it is a church based on the prosperity theology and it has expanded to several other countries, having one of the best (if not the best) evangelical media structure in recent times in Brazil. IURD has in its program several regular encounters aimed at specific audiences. One of these is the Congress for Success, which focuses on encouraging successful entrepreneurship among its followers. The object of this research are testimonials from successful businessman in IURD recorded on video by the church and made available on the internet, but also broadcast as part of their television program. Would these testimonials be only a liturgical part of the IURD’s meetings or would they be strong elements of institutional religious propaganda? To answer this question, we used the method of Linguistic Discourse Analysis based on the works of M. Foucault and E. Orlandi to analyze these testimonials, comparing their structure to persuasion techniques from propaganda and marketing pieces, as described by J. A. C. Brown. We intend to show, based on consistent theoretical and analytical basis, that the discourse of these testimonials influence their target audience and motivate them to participate in and adhere to the church. We speak of a secular church that is fluent in efficient entrepreneurial techniques and knows how to mix what some would see as profane with what is holy and which grows and influences society. Knowing the religious market, its ways, its efficiency, and its social and political goals, is essential to understand modern-day society, which is shrouded in a less social and more individualistic religiousness.
dc.description.sponsorshipCoordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectexperiência fática da vida
dc.subjectepístolas paulinas
dc.subjectMartin Heidegger
dc.subjectfaktische lebenserfahrung
dc.subjectMartin Heidegger
dc.titleExperiência fática da vida e fenomenologia da religião segundo Martin Heidegger
dc.contributor.institutionPontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas
puc.refereeFerrandin, Jairo
puc.refereeGONÇALVES, Paulo Sérgio Lopes
puc.centerCCHSA – Centro de Ciências Humanas e Sociais Aplicadas
puc.undergraduateProgramPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Ciências da Religião

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